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<div class="pro_view pro_view_first">
	<img src="/YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_mask">
		<h2> Heading </h2>
		<p> Text </p>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn">Button</a>

Add the special class pro_view_first to the element with the class pro_view for the first effect.

In the second hover we will add the special class pro_view-second, but we will leave the element with the class pro_mask empty and wrap the description in a div with the class pro_content

<div class="pro_view pro_view_second">
	<img src="/YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_mask"></div>
	<div class="pro_content">
		<h2> Heading </h2>
		<p> Text </p>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn">Button</a>

For other hover effects you can use the same HTML structure. You only need to change class pro_view_second to the following ones:
pro_view_third - third effect
pro_view_fourth - fourth effect
pro_view_fifth - fifth effect
pro_view_sixth - sixth effect
pro_view_seventh - seventh effect
pro_view_eight - eight effect

In ninth hover, we will use two pro_mask elements to slide them in from the bottom right and the top left:

<div class="pro_view pro_view_ninth">
	<img src="/YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_mask pro_mask-1"></div>
	<div class="pro_mask pro_mask-2"></div>
	<div class="pro_content">
		<h2> Heading </h2>
		<p> Text </p>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn">Button</a>

Define .pro_view and .pro_mask width and height which match image`s width and height in style.css file.


Add necessary class to the <a> tag (<a href="#" class=""> Button Text </a>)

テキサスclass="pro_btn pro_style_1"
日本 カジノ スクールclass="pro_btn pro_warning pro_style_1"
888カジノ 入金不要ボーナス もらい方class="pro_btn pro_success pro_style_1"
マクロス バルキリーclass="pro_btn pro_danger pro_style_1"
粗品 予想class="pro_btn pro_style_2"
コンコルド 800 春日井 店class="pro_btn pro_warning pro_style_2"
パチンコ フェイスclass="pro_btn pro_danger pro_style_2"
ビットスピンカジノclass="pro_btn pro_inf pro_style_2"
船橋 競馬class="pro_btn pro_style_3"
恵方 巻き コンビニclass="pro_btn pro_warning pro_style_3"
リッカーclass="pro_btn pro_success pro_style_3"
jpi549158resized54915-8-28098862711f5e9f2d89-0class="pro_btn pro_danger pro_style_3"
マックス ヤナセclass="pro_btn pro_inf pro_style_3"
ダイナム 相模原class="pro_btn pro_style_4"
アサヒ 伊那class="pro_btn pro_success pro_style_4"
ディーラー カジノclass="pro_btn pro_danger pro_style_4"
ピナクル スポーツclass="pro_btn pro_inf pro_style_4"

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zent 扶桑 データ

Circle Image

<span class="pro_image_round"></span>

Card Style

<span class="pro_image_card"></span>

Embossed Style

<span class="pro_image_embossed"></span>

Soft Embossed Style

<span class="pro_image_soft-embossed"></span>

Cutout Style

<span class="pro_image_cut_out"></span>

Morphing & Glowing

<span class="pro_image_morphing_glowing"></span>

Glossy Overlay

<span class="pro_image_glossy"></span>


<span class="pro_image_reflection"></span>


background:url(YourImage.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
width:YourImageWidth px;
height:YourImageHeight px;


Lifted Shadow
Perspective Shadow
Raised Block
Shadow with two vertical curves
Shadow with two horizontal curves

Lifted Shadow

<div class="pro_lifted">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Perspective Shadow

<div class="pro_perspective">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Raised Block

<div class="pro_raised">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Shadow with two vertical curves

<div class="pro_curved-vt-2">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Shadow with two horizontal curves

<div class="pro_curved-hz-2">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">